Student Athletes

Influencer campaigns with student athletes

Brand Collaborations with Top College Athletes

With some of the strongest engagement rates, college athletes can use their name, image & likeness (NIL) to promote your brand.

  • Name Image Likeness (NIL)

    For the first time in college athletics, Student-Athletes can to monetize their name, image & likeness, across all sports & divisions. Partnering with college athletes provide a dedicated and engaged audience, opportunity to form a relationship early with the athlete, and promote in a targeted location.

    name images for athletes
  • End to End Campaigns

    Our process allows your brand to easily promote through a comprehensive, compliant, full-service college athlete campaign. Using our activation strategies, partnering with college athletes can be your early entry to a quickly growing and strong performing advertising avenue.

    campaigns for athletes
  • Engagement & Reach

    College Athletes have proved to have the strongest levels of engagement and targeted reach in comparison to other influencer levels. Previous programs have delivered around 10% engagement rates and 35% of in-state audience.

    social media engagement

The Process of Talent Outreach

  • Sourcing and securing influencers.

  • Approvals of content and campaign at University level.

  • Approval of content and campaign at sport level.

  • Brand reviews content for approvals.

  • Content goes live. Social Media team tracks metrics.

  • Team tracks conversions. Makes any adjustments to enhance results.

  • Paid media is activated to boost reach and engagement.

  • Final detailed report on metrics and conversions.


We make it easy

In comparison to traditional influencer collaborations, which often involve direct and straightforward interactions between brands and content creators, student-athlete collaborations are subject to review and approval from multiple parties. Reach enables the campaign process to be conducted seamlessly by facilitating timely review of athlete opportunities by all necessary approval levels.

  • -Brand/Agency works directly with the influencer or influencer’s manager on campaigns

  • -Brand/Agency works with athlete’s manager, who then shares it with the athlete

    -Once these details are confirmed, the brand/agency gets compliance approval from the university

    -From there the campaign can begin.


Contact Reach Media